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Inkbeard post #003


I apologize for the lateness of this post. I know that I speak into an empty void, but if there is any of my great-grandchildren reading this sometime in the future, I find I must apologize. Although it is still technically a Monday.

I cannot believe it has already been three weeks of posting. My how the flies time. In all actuality, I can believe it, because this is how time naturally passes, week by week. I never fully understood those who said “I can’t believe it’s already been (insert time period). It seems like just yesterday that we (insert activity/event)!” Have they just not been paying attention to the passing of time? However. Three weeks it has been, and one week since the beginning of Inktober I am writing this. Six drawings, and one more due this evening.

Originally, I had intended to have a star-studded cast of original characters who would feature in every drawing. However, on the third day I abandoned this idea, due to the rigid nature of it’s concept; I could not branch out much, and in art, branching out is most of the game. The first two and #6 involve a man named Sam and his dog Fargo in their traveling adventures. They meet a robot in #2, who is named D3r3k in the metaverse of my mind. I have done a poor job of introducing all of their names (aside from Fargo) as of yet. And maybe it doesn’t really matter all that much. On the third day, I thought to myself “you know what? I’m ditching these guys”. I took the prescribed advice to “follow your instincts”. The prompt for that day was Boots, and one must where something on their feet in order to follow their instincts. You also see his boot in the picture.

I was using small slips of paper to draw these on, so as not to be overwelled by the empty space of paper, but I’m afraid that the thickness of the pen I was using (Macron 02), although it is the perfect size in person, is not ideal for scanning purposes. Also, the scanner size is not optimal for the full-sized paper, and so I would need to trim it down. In any case, these are they, the first six additions of the Inktober challenge. Maybe numbers #3-5 are things they encountered on the way. It’s a nice thought.

Fall and Autumn.

Did you know that Autumn had both two U’s and an N? I didn’t until I checked Autocorrect. very interesting. For those just now joining us, this is the part where I stall until I have an idea about what to write about.

The Email Listings

There is a feature on my homepage of the website where one could sign up for a newsletter if he or she so wished, in order to be notified of new posts. I signed up for it myself using a different email account I posses to see if it worked. It didn’t. And since I am not a man knowledgeable of anything to do with computers and blogging and whatnot, I don’t really know why. My best hunch is that I need to sign up for some subscription or other in order to store everyone’s emails. But this costs money. And, seeing as I have literally no followers, I don’t know of this is a thing in which I should invest. Comment below and tell me if you exist and want to be notified every Monday of the existence of a new post. I would greatly appreciate it. Which reminds me, I need to remind my family and friends to check this out and sign up somehow.

As with everything involving technology, there will always be at least a few hiccups; nothing ever goes smoothly at first. Although I dearly wish it was so. I have heard that the best way to gain followers is to but out boatloads of content in the interwebs, hoping someone somewhere sometime will stumble across one. Kind of like a fishing net–the more content, the more threads in the net, the smaller the holes in which a small fish or browser may slip through. I also need to fix the menu bar, which shows black lettering on a black background on the mobile option. Needless to say, not ideal.


Happy trails, dear reader, until we meet again. I hope your return will be as swift as my apatite this evening. Please like and comment on this post, and let all of your loved ones know of the odd kind of magic going on here. If you wish to support a fledgling artist, this is your chance to help make the world a better place. Until next time.

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