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Target Acquired. Inkbeard Post #011
And we come once again to the beginning of a brand-new, fresh of the shelf post of yours and my favorite blog. This week has been a busy one, and I for another one have been up to my eyeballs in D&D (along with, you know, work and life and whatever). I am currently DM-ing two different groups, and both meet in a week to have the first meeting/session. Therefore, I have had no time to produce a new finished product. I did draw, but I will get to that in a bit. This week I have a special bit of art for those dedicated readers.
Madhi of Space
No, I don’t have a spot for this being in my multiverse, and no, I don’t even know what a “Madhi” is. I made that word up. As all great drawings, this was a happy coinkidink (coincidence for my uncultured friends out there). I had the idea from scrolling Pinterest for hours upon minutes, of a floating being with many arms and sick tats. This is also one of those drawings where I didn’t do much sketching beforehand, and therefore the sick tats are looking a little measly. I included both the colored and the noir versions, because I wanted you, dear readers, to understand the hesitance I had before making the decision to deface this perfect piece of artwork with color, then discover the joy of finding out that you actually have decent colorq theory figured out. This character will just float in the in-between spaces of the multiverses, watching and waiting for it’s moment to move.
The character has the ability to manipulate space: matter, portals. Like the infinity stone of space. A Madhi is a powerful being, a spirit that exists outside of this dimension. I don’t yet know how many there are, but this has the potential to make a great many stories. This being is also a possible tie to Squarehead.

Update ..- .–. -.. .- – .
Di-di-dit-didi-dit-dit: Incoming News! The work of writing the short story is underway, and making progress. Over the last two weeks, I worked on a basic, basic character sketch for the two individuals in this tale, squirted out the storyline and scenes, and eked out the first fourteen thumbnail pages. A thumbnail page is similar to the thumbnails used by movie folks, being a smaller, rough draft of the final finished product. They are used to get the flow and design right before committing to the full-sized graphic. The thing is, in this scene there is a conversation. Conversations are a difficult thing for amateur writer, because it has to at the same time mimic the real-life version and also direct the story where you want it to. It’s a bit like using a waterfall to carve a stature. I am legally obligated to avoid spoilers (okay, not really, but I don’t know enough to give away yet), so that is the extent of the information I can give.
My brother made the comment recently that I am slowly turning into the most low-key normal weeb ever. [Weeb: Derogatory term for someone who is obsessed with Japanese popular culture. (Although after the ten-second google it appears that it is not so derogatory anymore)]. His proof: I am in love with the PS5 game Ghost of Tsushima, a 3rd-person rpg about a disgraced samurai who fights to take back his island from the invading Mongols (not sponsored); I love the anime show One Punch Man, where the protagonist can defeat any and every enemy with a single punch, and also the show I stumbled upon a couple days ago called Mob Psycho 100, about an insanely powerful middle-school psychic. In fairness, I see his point. And maybe I was using this segment to promote my favorites from Japan.
He expounded upon that comment saying that it would be cool if I were to learn how to draw anime–the comic expressions blown out of proportion, the character design, the hands (my goodness those hands; be still my heart), and the hair. I agree on that point as well. So don’t be surprised if you happen upon some anime sketched in the future.
And there we come to the end again. I have had this thought: people also like sketches. So I won’t fret about getting a polished work out every week when a simple sketch will do just fine. I hope you enjoyed this week’s post, and began your week with a smile on your face. It is widely acknowledged that smiles are better than not-smiles. Forward this post to ten people before tonight or be cursed. (No, not really. but seriously, folks, I know that all of you reading are immensely popular and have oodles of admirers fawning about you; would it be too much to ask if you let slip the name of Inkbeard into the eagerly awaiting throng?). Farewell, dear readers, until next week.