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The future of Inkbeard. Inkbeard post #17

This Week

This week I was able to work more of the thumbnails, transferring the first rough draft onto larger paper to get a better feel for the layout. I probably should have waited until I had finished the first draft, but I was close anyways and getting bored. Also, there is the added benefit that I can letter the comic instead of having a separate file for the dialogues. This week I also injured not one but both of my index fingers in the space of two days, making life very difficult with ginger motions. All in all, not a bad week.

The Art

Because I was drawing the thumbnails, I decided not to do a finished drawing. Instead, I have several pages of sketches done in my spare time. I have learned that in order study gestures, you have to draw the gesture as a whole. Here’s what I mean: when I attempted to draw the hand in various attitudes, I found it difficult when they were all by themselves. But when I drew the torso and shoulder as well, I was able to harness the flow of the gesture from the main into the hand. When drawing (and with anything, really), you must work from general to specific, larger shapes to smaller ones. Begin with the prominent shapes, and add detail as you go.

A Lead to Follow

During an after-church lunch with several young people my age, one friend of mine suggested that I look into publishing my comics through Dark Horse Comics or Image Comics, two companies who don’t own the rights to the artwork or stories, they simply publish and make a profit off the sales. Unlike with Marvel or DC comics, according to my friend, who own all of the characters and stories within their respective franchises, neither Dark Horse nor Image own your work. In fact, I own several of their products], scrounged from various sales. If and hopefully when I finish my first short story, I will see if I can get it published through these two companies, and see what happens. God has provided a path forward in my art, and I’m excited to see where it will lead.

Friendship Bracelets.

And so, friends, I have run out of words to say. In this past week, I discovered friendship bracelets, and I hope you will take this as a bracelet and give it to a friend, thereby spreading the word of Inkbeard. As always, I wish you a safe and happy week, until we meet again through the typed words of the interwebs. Farewell until next time.

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