
The Legend

Born and raised in a Christian homeschooled household in Minnesota, Connor Watkins (self-named Inkbeard), discovered a love of drawing at a young age. Through the years, his style has developed into a simple yet delightful character.

Connor works as a cabinet maker by day, and enjoys working with his hands. He has many hobbies, including but not limited to Scratch-bashing, leather working, whittling, playing the cello, guitar, and tin whistle, and reading. His favorite thing to do is going to church and having a quiet day off.


Books Collected

Connor loves books, and will recommend several at any given point. With a large variety ranging from true stories to poetry to western novels to classics.


To Nerdiness

Connor is a nerd, plain and simple. He loves to play D&D, Warhammer40k, Catan, and PlayStation, as well as watch Star Wars and Marvel and read the Hobbit.


Years in the Making

As a young artist, Inkbeard’s main goal is to grow in his artistic skills. Everything from practicing perspective, to considering shapes, to memorizing facial features.